A desire to help others.
Ethiopia has held a special place in the hearts of founding board members Dan and Colleen Taylor since they began the adoption journey in 2010. They have had the opportunity to travel to Ethiopia many times and have seen firsthand the tremendous need for orphans and vulnerable children all of the country but especially in rural areas. After adopting their second son from Ethiopia in 2015, Dan and Colleen felt more strongly than ever the need to devote their time and energy towards helping those in need. As a result, Project Heal Foundation, Inc. was created.
Project HEAL's mission is to empower individuals and improve the lives of needy children and adults by creating opportunity and access to education, health, supplementary food, socio-counseling, and economic development activities. Ultimately, Project HEAL was created to provide health, education, a sense of achievement and love to impoverished people. Project HEAL enables those in need to receive free education, health services, rehabilitation and also offers development activities focusing on serving the physical and psychological needs of the disadvantaged groups living in rural parts of Ethiopia.
Project HEAL’s goal is to create a positive living environment among families and to give them a sense of achievement and hope for the future. Through these opportunities, the children and adults will be empowered and in turn will influence their peers and the surrounding community positively through their interactions.
• The overall literacy rate is 42%, with many more women and girls illiterate than men.
• 47% of the population lives below the poverty rate
• The annual per capita income is less than $160
• Only 40% of the population has access to improved drinking water sources
• Per Capita, Ethiopia recieves less aid than any country in Africa.
• The total population of Ethiopia is 100 million.
• 44% of the population is under 15 years old.
• Half of all children will never attend school.
• Only 50% of children attend primary school.
• 88% of children will never attend secondary school.
• The average class size in government schools is 85 to 100 children.